T'filas Haderech - Prayer for Travelling
When is the preferable time to say it when you travelling by plane?
The preferable time to say it is when the plane accelerates, just before takeoff.
If you are making a few trips in one day do you have to say Tfilas Haderech each time?
- The obligation to say it is only once a day so therefore if you had in mind to make a few trips in one day you only have to say it once (Some are Machmir to say each time without the Shem Hashem, but this isn’t M’ikor H’din, it is only a Chumrah).
- If you are going somewhere and coming back home the same day you say it when you are leaving and add V’tachzeranu L’sholom in the Tfila.
- If you forgot to say V’tachzeranu L’sholom and you are planning to return home (you do not have to say it again).
- If you didn’t have in mind to make a few trips and you decided to go somewhere else after saying T’filas Haderech you have to say it again.
- A day is from Alos to Alos if you didn’t go to sleep.
The Mekor of Tfilas Haderech is the Gemara Brochos (29:) Eliyohu H’novi told Rav Yehuda to say T’filas Haderech.
The Shloh says that it protects you from danger.
- If you are travelling to Europe or Eretz Yisroel and the journey goes into the following day (Example: the flight leaves 5:00 pm and arrives at 3:00 pm the following day) do you have to say Tfilas Haderech again in the morning?
- There is a Machlokas H’poskim, the Mishna Brurah paskens like the Radvaz that holds that when the trip goes into the following day you should say it in the morning without a Chasimah.
- The same Halocho applies if you are going by car and the trip takes a few days (For example from Toronto to Florida) you only say it at the beginning with a Chasimah, the other days you say without a Chasimah.
- However the Radvaz says that if you stayed overnight in a hotel (not if you took a short break of an hour or two) you should say it with a Chasimah in the morning.
- If you slept overnight in a hotel you can say it in the morning right away (even if you are in a city) and you do not have to wait to leave the city to say it.
It is preferable to say T’filas Haderech after you have made a Brocha in order that it should be a Brocha Semucha L’chavertah (say it after another Brocha) [because T’filas Haderech should begin with a Brocha, Boruch Ato Hashem…][Shulchan Oruch 110 s. 6 Maharam M’Rottenberg].
Is there any preference which Brocha?
- It is preferable to say it after a Brocha Arucha (a Brocha which starts and ends with a Brocha) ie. Asher Yozar, Al Hamichya you can say it also after Borah Nefoshus (which also ends with a Brocha Boruch Chai Olomim).
- If you are not able to, you can say it after any Brocha.
- You can even say it after saying a Brocha Reshonah but you have to eat first before saying T’filas H’derech (it is better not to say it after a Brocha Reshonah because eating might be considered a Hafsek).
- If not you can say it without making a Brocha first. Saying it after a Brocha is only L’chatchillah (preferable), it isn’t mandatory.
- The R’mo in YD 285:2 says that when you leave your house to go on a trip you should place your hand on the Mezuza and say Hashem Yishmor Zeise and daven that you should arrive safely at your destination.
- The Elyo Rabba says that you should give Tzdoko before going on a trip.
- Some have a Minhag to give people that are travelling money to give to Tzdoko at their destination in order that they should be Shlucha Mitzva.
- Reb. Yehuda Hachosid says that you should not polish your shoes with polish on the day you are travelling (you may brush them).
- When travelling by car on Friday you should make sure you have ample time to arrive at your destination at least an hour or more before Shabbos. You have to leave enough time for traffic or other delays.
- It is not permitted to leave if you are not sure you have enough time to get there if there will be delays.
- The same applies when travelling by plane, you should not take a flight if it is possible that it might arrive late on Friday.
- Even if you leave early on Friday you should take with you Challah and wine in case you got stuck and are not able to get to your destination before Shabbos.