Come and see how

Just One Shabbos

can change your life!

Shabbos and Recovery 2022

A Shabbaton about recovery,
over the weekend of December 2, 2022
in the Bathurst and Lawrence area 

please check back often for updates…

Registration closes Tuesday Nov. 29 at 11 am.

Sold Out!

Registration Updater 100%

The Event

If you are looking to escape, then this just might be what you need:
  • a unique Shabbos experience where you can get “away” from it all and just spend time with people who share your interests.
  • a weekend to disconnect from regular life and re-connect with G-d and spirituality.
  • a weekend to leave your cell phone behind so as to be able to focus on what matters the most.
  • a weekend to come away feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.
  • If GROWTH & a deeper UNDERSTANDING of Judaism & Recovery is what you want – then this event is for you!! 
 Who this is not for: This Shabbaton is not for those who just want a quiet Shabbos away from regular life but are not really interested in growing in recovery or who may have any alternative objective. If you want to grow, then please come; if you just want to socialize, then please come another time.
 The Shabbaton is limited to 30 participants (okay, maybe I can squeeze a few more) so please reply early to reserve your spot. It is important to register as you will be able to see those who have already registered.

The Goal

  • To promote Recovery through a Shabbos experience.
  • To be able to grow from other people’s stories of strength and hope.
  • To connect with new people in recovery.
  • To provide a place where Jews of all backgrounds can learn and grow together, no matter what level you’re on.
  • To provide an awesome Shabbos experience for Jews of all backgrounds.

Your Commitment

  • If you are considering joining, please understand that it is a with a commitment for the entire Shabbos. If you live close by, then you can walk home. Otherwise, local accommodations will be provided.
  • It is also meant to a weekend without access to technology so no cell phone, computers, etc. for the entire 26 hours of Shabbos.

The Cost

  • The cost to participate is $120 for current members and $180 for non-members and this includes the entire weekend.
  • There is no lesser amount even if you are only coming for part, however there are scholarships available.
  • This amount must be paid in full before Shabbos and is fully tax-deductible. Of course you are welcome to donate any additional amount you wish. 
  • Cheques should be payable to: Chai Centre Canada
    or you can eTransfer to:

Special Shabbos Guests

Rabbi Hirsch
Dr. Chayim Newman

The Schedule

Friday Night

3:00Pre-Shabbos Welcome
4:15Candlelighting for Women
4:15Men go to Shul
4:30Women’s Meeting
5:30Shabbos Dinner
7:30Topic Meeting #1
8:30Speaker Meeting (Dr. Chayim Newman)
10:00Topic Meeting #2

Shabbos Morning

9:00Men go to Shul
9:00Women’s Speaker
10:00Women’s Meeting
11:30Topic Meeting #3
12:30Shabbos Lunch
2:30Shabbos Shluf

Shabbos Afternoon

4:303rd Shabbos Meal
5:45Ma’ariv / Shabbos Ends
6:00Havdalah Service
6:30Pack up
8:00Melava Malka / Pizza


In closing, I hope that you will be able to join us for this wonderful Shabbos experience and I look forward to your early response.
Please reply as to your availability by clicking the button below.
Rabbi Heshi & Bayla Kuhnreich