
Below is some information and a partial list of the By-Laws for burial at the Chai Centre Canada location.

“CCCCS” = Chai Centre Canada Cemetery Section
“Rabbi” refers to the current Rabbi of Chai Centre Canada

  • The CCCCS is located at the Pardes Chaim Cemetery, 11818 Bathurst St. , Maple Ontario. (Map below)
  • The CCCCS islocated in section “S”, Row “I” which is the very first section on the right coming from the main entrance.
  • In order to be eligible for a plot at the CCCCS, one needs to be a member in good standing with the Chai Centre.
  • Plots are not sold but rather, members have a right to a plot in the section to be designated by the Rabbi.
  • In order to be considered for burial in the CCCCS, the individual must be considered Jewish by Orthodox Jewish Law. This means that the person’s mother must be confirmed as Jewish or has converted by Orthodox Jewish Law. The Rabbi will be responsible to confirm the above.
  • The Rabbi has the final say on the acceptance and designation to CCCCS for burial of any individual. The Burial Committee will always operate under the direction and guidance of the Rabbi.
  • No concrete burial vaults or liners may be used in any cemetery section of the CCCCS.
  • The date/time and plot of every burial will be approved by the Rabbi.
  • The Rabbi or his designate shall officiate at all services, including funerals and unveilings.
  • All monuments must comply with cemetery rules and the Rabbi shall approve the inscriptions and images for all the monuments prior to installation. It is advisable to have the Rabbi involved in the preparation of the monument as the Rabbi has the final approval on all monuments.
  • All monuments must have the deceased person’s name in Hebrew as well as the Yahrtzeit date in Hebrew.
  • All monuments shall be individual singles. No double monuments.

As the above is a partial list, please contact the Rabbi if you have any other questions or require further clarification.