
The Chai Centre Membership has its Privileges!

The Chai Centre is very excited to be opening its doors once again- both physically and spiritually- to welcome new and old members alike!  We are offering four membership levels and flexible payment plans to accommodate your individual needs in time for the High Holiday Services this year!

Why become a member of the Chai Centre? There are many reasons! First and foremost, we are a family based, community-centered organization that puts its members (from all segments of Judaism) together along with Jewish education, first.

Depending on your choice of membership level, the Chai Centre provides over 10 weekly classes on Judaism (some depending on eligibility) currently on Zoom including Pirkei Avos, Path of the Just, Hebrew Reading Lessons, Lashon Hara, Ask the Rabbi, Holocaust Education Classes and more!  We also organize Shabbatons and other Holiday events as well as an annual BBQ throughout the year (within Covid mandates)! 

Our Chai Centre High Holiday services are also geared as an education-based service which come alive with meaning and understanding for all who attend! In fact, no Hebrew reading/comprehension is required in order to get the most of out the services! Click here to visit our Reflections page and read comments from past “Chai” Holiday attendees. 

Two more great reasons to become a member of the Chai Centre is to meet, learn, study, and grow under the auspices of Rabbi Heshi Kuhnreich, the brainchild and founder of the Chai Centre, and to be part of an amazing and growing community! Our Rabbi makes learning fun and interesting and is completely accepting of Jews from all walks of life, backgrounds, and affiliations. His oft repeated motto in class is, “The only stupid question is the one you don’t ask!” Just request to attend the Ask the Rabbi class on Tuesday nights and see for yourself! Click here!

Please note that all donations and membership payments are final. All requests for refunds must be made  in writing within 24 hours. We appreciate your understanding.

Additionally, please feel free to contact myself or Rabbi Heshi directly at (416) 822-4374 for any questions  that you may have. Remember… no question is ever a stupid one!

L’Shanah Tova U’metuka- A very Happy, Healthy, and sweet New year for the upcoming year to you and your family members!

Warmest Regards,

Carol Molko
Chai Centre Administrator 
(416) 258-4601