Aseres Yimay Teshuvah - Ten Days of Repentance

  • The days of Aseres Y’mai Teshuvah are a time of reflection. 
  • The Chaya Odom 143 says that we should set aside time every day to reflect on our actions, repent, do Teshuva and daven to HaKodosh Boruch Hu. 
  • It is a time for us to increase our good deeds and to give Tzedokoh. 
  • It is a time when Ha’Kodosh Boruch Hu listens to our Tefillos and treats us with extra kindness (Lifnim Mshuras H’din) and therefore, we should do more than we usually do. 
  • The Shulchan Oruch says we should be more stringent in what we eat during the Aseres Y’ma Teshuva. 
  • If you usually eat Pas Paltar (bread from a non-Jewish baker) during the Aseres Y’ma Teshuva you should only eat Pas Yisroel. 
  • If you usually use Cholov Stam you should use Cholov Yisroel. 
  • If you forgot any of the add on’s in Shmonei Esrah (Zochreinu L’Chaim, Me Komocho, Uk’suv L’Chaim, B’sefer Chaim) if you already said Boruch Atoh Hashem you do not go back and say it.
  • You can say it in Shema Koleinu or in Eloky Nezur before you say the second Y’hi Rozon.
  • If you remember before saying Boruch Atoh Hashem, you should go back and say it and continue (Melech Ozar or Vna’aman Atoh…).
  • If you forgot to say H’Malech H’kodosh (or you are not sure if you said it) you have to start Shemoneh Esrah again.
  • The S’fardim daven over if they forgot H’Malech H’Mishpot. 
  • Ashkenazim do not daven over if they forgot H’Malech H’Mishpot (it has the same Halocho as the other additions, Zochreinu…).   
  • If you know someone is upset with you, you should make every effort to ask Mechilah (forgiveness) even if you feel that you were in the right (it is a big Zechus to bring with you to Yom Kippur). 
  • Yom Kippur and even death, does not atone for Averois Bein Odom L’chavaro. 
  • The challenge in asking Mechillah, is from someone you really hurt, asking Mechillah from friends is easy (especially if you didn’t intentionally hurt them). 
  • The R’mo says that if someone was Motzei Shem Rah (said something about you that was not true) about you, you are not obligated to forgive them, however it is commendable to.