Halacha – Chol Ha’moed

One is not permitted to do laundry on Chol H’moed.

There are exceptions to the above Halocho;

  •  You may wash children’s clothes that get soiled often and are needed over Yom Tov. You may add to the wash children’s clothes that may be needed over Yom Tov.
  •  You may spot clean if the clothes are needed over Yom Tov.
  • If clothes got stained and the stain needs to be removed asap (for example a dress or tablecloth got stained with grape juice or beets) you should try to spot clean it. If necessary, you may wash the entire garment in the washing machine to remove the stain.
  •   You may iron clothes (if you need them for Yom Tov), but you may not make new folds or pleats. You may not have them professionally pressed.
  • You may wash the floors and vacuum carpets (for Yom Tov), but you may not shampoo or steam them.
  • A man may sew on a button on Chol H’moed (Melaches Hadyot).
  • A woman may tweeze her eyebrows and remove any body hair by cutting/shaving/waxing (besides the hair on her head).
  • You may cut your nails on Chol H’moed if you cut them on Erev Yom Tov.
  • Many hold you may polish shoes (with polish) on Chol H’moed but the Chazon Ish held you shouldn’t.
  •  You may wash children’s clothes that get soiled often and are needed over Yom Tov. You may add to the wash children’s clothes that may be needed over Yom Tov.
  •  You may spot clean if the clothes are needed over Yom Tov.
  • If clothes got stained and the stain needs to be removed asap (for example a dress or tablecloth got stained with grape juice or beets) you should try to spot clean it. If necessary, you may wash the entire garment in the washing machine to remove the stain.
  •   You may iron clothes (if you need them for Yom Tov), but you may not make new folds or pleats. You may not have them professionally pressed.
  • You may wash the floors and vacuum carpets (for Yom Tov), but you may not shampoo or steam them.
  • A man may sew on a button on Chol H’moed (Melaches Hadyot).
  • A woman may tweeze her eyebrows and remove any body hair by cutting/shaving/waxing (besides the hair on her head).
  • You may cut your nails on Chol H’moed if you cut them on Erev Yom Tov.
  • Many hold you may polish shoes (with polish) on Chol H’moed but the Chazon Ish held you shouldn’t.

·         Laundry that you cannot wash on Chol H’Moed may not be washed by a non-Jew. Therefore, your non-Jewish help may not do laundry that you cannot do.

·         You may not cook just for a non-Jew on Chol H’Moed. For example, you may not fry an egg just for a non-Jew or put the kettle on to make a drink just for a non-Jew.

·         If you are cooking for yourself, you may add extra food (on Chol H’moed) for a non-Jew.

  • The gardener should not cut the grass or doing anything in the garden on Chol Hamoed.