Tisha B'Av - The Fast of the Ninth Day of Av

  • Rabbi Miller Shlita holds that you may take the tyenol, advil, aspirin, caffeine pills on Shabbos to be able to fast on Tisha B’av and there is no problem of Refuah and Hachona. 
  • When taking the pills you should not say you are taking them for the fast. 

Tisha B’Av is a stringent fast and everyone needs to fast including pregnant and nursing mothers. 


  • Someone who is sick (in bed) or elderly and fasting is detrimental to their health does not need to fast. 
  • A woman that gave birth within 30 days does not need to fast. 
  • A pregnant/nursing woman who feels unwell (faint or weak) should break her fast (it is advisable to drink something that has a high sugar content).  
  • A nursing mother whose child only nurses (does not have formula) and is afraid that she will not have enough milk may drink/eat with shiurim (she may drink a sip of juice [1-2 ounces] preferably every 4 minutes. If that is not enough, she may drink more frequently (and more). She may eat around an ounce preferably every 4 minutes.). 
  • It is advisable to express milk before the fast and give it to the baby in a bottle on Tisha B’Av
  • If this is too difficult, she may eat/drink normally. 
  • The following are considered sick and do not need to fast, someone who is diabetic, has a heart condition, undergoing chemotherapy, had an operation (hernia etc…). 
  • If you are not sure if you need to fast you should ask a Shailo (if you should not fast, you are not doing a Mitzva to fast). 

Someone who is not fasting should wait till the morning to eat/drink (if they can). 

  • Before eating or drinking if you are not fasting you must make Havdalah.
  • You need only make Havdalah if you are eating more than a shiur, if you are eating Shiurim you do not need to make Havdalah. 
  • You may make Havdalah on grape juice or Chamar Medinah. 
  • The person that is eating should make Havdalah.  
  • Even though usually women don’t drink from the Havdalah grape juice, since she is making Havdalah she should drink it. 
  • When making Havdalah if you making it Motzei Shabbos you do not say Hineh…. and you do not make the Brocha on Bsomim.
  • You should just say the Brochos, Boreh Pri H’Gofen and Hamavdil  ((to say Boreh Moerai H’aish depends on your Minhag if women are obligated to make a Brocha on the fire).
  • Someone that is not fasting on Tisha B’av should wait till just before they eat to make Havdalah. If they only need to eat in the morning they should wait till the morning to make Havdalah. They should not make Havdalah Motzei Shabbos.  
  • Children may eat on Tisha B’Av without making Havdalah. 
  • You may not wear leather shoes/slippers, all other footwear you may wear.
  • You may wear footwear that has a design of leather on it.
  • Someone who needs to wear special shoes and will be in pain without them may wear them on Tisha B’Av.
  • You may sit on a chair that is lower than 12″ (30 cm.).
  • An elderly person or a pregnant woman may sit on a normal chair if it is too difficult for them to sit on a low chair.
  • You may not sit on a bed.
  • Some have a Minhag to sleep without a pillow or if you sleep with two pillows to sleep with one.
  • Someone who is permitted to eat should wash their whole hand when washing for bread (as they do the entire year).
  • You may not wash with hot or cold water even just one finger.
  • You may wash your hands with soap after going to the bathroom if you always do. 
  • The same applies if you always wash your hands with soap before handling food.
  • You may also wash your hands if they are dirty (The rule is, you may wash your hands, not for enjoyment).
  • Women may not put on makeup, lipstick, etc.. [Newly married (less than 30 days) are allowed to].
  • You are permitted to use deodorant or antiperspirant.  You may use Purell on Tisha B’Av .
  • The Minhag is not to eat meat and drink wine until Chatzos tomorrow. 
  • However, you may eat a dish that was cooked with meat as long as you don’t eat the meat/chicken, 
  • For example, you may eat Cholent and chicken soup. 
  • The Minhag is also not to do laundry, shower, have a haircut/shave, buy new clothes until Chatzos tomorrow like in the Nine days.  
  • However, tonight and tomorrow till Chatzos is not as stringent as in the Nine days, and therefore if there is a need you may tomorrow morning or even tonight. 
  • For example, all your clothes are in the laundry you may do laundry tonight.  
  • If you are travelling tomorrow and it will be difficult to do the laundry tomorrow after Chatzos you may do it in the morning and if that doesn’t work tonight.  
  • The same Halocho applies to have a haircut/shave, have a shower. 
  • You may wear clean washed laundry tonight even if you didn’t wear them for a short period of time before the Nine days (for example clean shirts, pants,  blouses, skirts etc..). 
  • You may cut your nails tonight. 
  • You may have your house painted, plant trees, flowers in the morning (you don’t need to wait to Chatzos).
  • Before eating and drinking tonight you have to make/hear Havdalah. 
  • You may drink water before hearing Havdalah. 
  • You need only wait 40 minutes (in Toronto) after sunset to break your fast. You do not need to wait 72 min even if you wait 72 min after Shabbos. 
  • If it is difficult for you to wait till your husband comes home from Shul you may make Havdalah yourself. 
  • You may make Havdalah on wine and drink it yourself. 
  • The Minhag is to say Kiddush Levana tonight.