The High Holidays 2022 is dedicated in memory of:
Jessica Klein – יכעט בת שלום שמואל ע”ה

Rosh Hashana / Yom Kippur - 5784
ראש השנה - יום כיפור תשפ"ד
If you are one of the very many that have already registered, we thank you.
If you haven’t and are still looking for the right kind of service, please read on.
Don’t read Hebrew? No problem. Don’t feel included? No problem. Then The Chai Centre is for you!
Come celebrate the High Holidays like never before. It will transform the way you view the High Holidays. Can you imagine actually looking forward to going to Shul? Click Here to read reflections from some of our past High Holidays attendees!
The services at The Chai Centre are unique; they are purposely structured and designed to be completely educational. Our services are geared toward those who have difficulty following or understanding the Traditional service. Instead of reading from a prayer book that you may not understand (or even be able to read), services at The Chai Centre come alive with the way we celebrate!
Additionally, the Main Sanctuary will have the Traditional service ongoing, and you are welcome to go between our classes and the Main Sanctuary at your leisure.
As a courtesy to the other participants, we ask that you try to be punctual for the classes that you will be attending.
Reserved seating for families will be available upon request.
Tickets are $180 for members and $260 for non-members.
Please do not hesitate to ask any of our staff if you require any assistance.
It is our hope that this will be your most inspiring High Holiday experience ever!
The location for the first day, Shabbos, will be The Petroff Gallery, 1016 Eglinton Ave W., which is a few doors east of the Village Shul.
The second day, Sunday, will be in the Village Shul Social Hall, downstairs.
Rosh Hashana Schedule
Shabbos Sept. 16 Sunday Sept. 17
8:00am – Shacharis – Morning Service – Village Shul Main Sanctuary, for those who would like to participate in a Traditional style service.
All classes will be held at the Petroff Gallery (see above).
9:15am – Welcome toThe Chai Centre
9:30am – “Without the Shofar” – Mrs. Elana Soroka
10:15am – “The Spiritual Power of Listening” – by Rabbi Shmuli Soroka
11:15am – “Experience, Strength and Hope” – Mrs. Mia Onrot
12:00pm – Adrienne Gold
12:45pm -Service Ends
8:00am – Shacharis – Morning Service – Main Sanctuary, for those who would like to participate in a Traditional style service.
All classes are at the Village Shul – Social Hall, downstairs.
9:15am – Welcome to The Chai Centre
9:30am – “Making Rosh Hashana Personal” – Mr. Herb Waters
10:30am – Before the Shofar – Mrs. Ilana Kendal
11:15am – Blowing the Shofar
11:30am – Adreinne Gold
12:15pm – Rabbi Aryeh Pamensky
1:00pm -Service Ends
Yom Kippur Schedule
Sunday Sep. 24 – Erev Yom Kippur | ||
Time | Service/ Program/ Class | Venue |
6:54pm | Candlelighting / Fast begins | |
6:55pm | Traditional Kol Nidrei – led by Rabbi Heshi kuhnreich | Main Sanctuary |
7:15pm | Drasha with Rabbi Tzvi Sytner | Main Sanctuary |
8:00pm | Option 1 – Traditional Ma’ariv Service – led by Rabbi Heshi Kuhnreich | Main Sanctuary |
8:00pm | Option 2 – Class by Adrienne Gold-Davis | Social Hall |
Monday Sep. 25 – Yom Kippur | ||
Time | Service/ Program/ Class | Venue |
6:15 am | Traditional Shacharis Minyan – led by Rabbi Heshi Kuhnreich | Social Hall |
10:15 am | Chai Centre Welcome – Herb Waters | Petroff Gallery |
10:30 am | Class led by Dr. Barry Bank | Petroff Gallery |
11:15 am | Class led by Dr. Chaim Newman | Petroff Gallery |
12:15 pm | Special YIZKOR presentation | Petroff Gallery |
12:45 pm | Class led by Nancy Weisbrod (first President of the Village Shul) | Petroff Gallery |
1:30 pm | Class led by Rabbi Tzvi Sytner | Petroff Gallery |
2:15 pm | BREAK – get some rest | |
5:15 pm | Discussion led by Herb Waters | Fireplace Room |
6:10 pm | Neilah Drasha by Rabbi Tzvi Sytner | Main Sanctuary |
6:30 pm | Traditional Neilah Service led by Rabbi Heshi Kuhnreich | Main Sanctuary |
7:52 pm | Shofar/ Fast Ends/ Ma’ariv/ Havdallah | Main Sanctuary |
8:00 pm | Breaking the Fast | Main Sanctuary |
You Did It !!!