Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Friday September 17, 2021

Candlelighting Club – 5:45

Shabbos begins /
Shabbos ends /
Montreal 6:43 7:44
New York 6:43 7:45
Toronto 7:06 8:07

Rosh Hashanah
5783 / 2022

Sep 25
Light Before
Sep 26
Light After
Sep 27
Yom Tov Ends
Montreal 6:28 7:29 7:28
New York 6:30 7:32 7:30
Toronto 6:51 7:53 7:51

Rosh Hashana Schedule

Shabbos Sept. 16                                            Sunday Sept. 17

8:00am – Shacharis – Morning Service – Village Shul Main Sanctuary, for those who would like to participate in a Traditional style service.

All classes will be held at the Petroff Gallery (see above).

9:15am – Welcome toThe Chai Centre

9:30am – “Without the Shofar” – Mrs. Elana Soroka

10:15am – “The Spiritual Power of Listening” – by Rabbi Shmuli Soroka

11:15am – “Experience, Strength and Hope” – Mrs. Mia Onrot

12:00pm – Adrienne Gold

12:45pm -Service Ends

8:00am – Shacharis – Morning Service – Main Sanctuary, for those who would like to participate in a Traditional style service.

All classes are at the Village Shul – Social Hall, downstairs.

9:15am – Welcome to The Chai Centre

9:30am – “Making Rosh Hashana Personal” – Mr. Herb Waters

10:30am – Before the Shofar – Mrs. Ilana Kendal

11:15am – Blowing the Shofar

11:30am – Adreinne Gold

12:15pm – Rabbi Aryeh Pamensky

1:00pm -Service Ends

Sunday Sep. 24 – Erev Yom Kippur
Time Service/ Program/ Class Venue
6:54pm Candlelighting / Fast begins  
6:55pm Traditional Kol Nidrei – led by Rabbi Heshi kuhnreich Main Sanctuary
7:15pm Drasha with Rabbi Tzvi Sytner Main Sanctuary
8:00pm Option 1 – Traditional Ma’ariv Service – led by Rabbi Heshi Kuhnreich Main Sanctuary
8:00pm Option 2 – Class by Adrienne Gold-Davis Social Hall
Monday Sep. 25 – Yom Kippur
Time Service/ Program/ Class Venue
6:15 am Traditional Shacharis Minyan – led by Rabbi Heshi Kuhnreich  Social Hall
10:15 am Chai Centre Welcome – Herb Waters Petroff Gallery
10:30 am Class led by Dr. Barry Bank Petroff Gallery
11:15 am Class led by Dr. Chaim Newman Petroff Gallery
12:15 pm Special YIZKOR presentation Petroff Gallery
12:45 pm Class led by Nancy Weisbrod (first President of the Village Shul) Petroff Gallery
1:30 pm Class led by Rabbi Tzvi Sytner Petroff Gallery
2:15 pm BREAK – get some rest  
5:15 pm Discussion led by Herb Waters Fireplace Room
6:10 pm Neilah Drasha by Rabbi Tzvi Sytner Main Sanctuary
6:30 pm Traditional Neilah Service led by Rabbi Heshi Kuhnreich Main Sanctuary
7:52 pm Shofar/ Fast Ends/ Ma’ariv/ Havdallah Main Sanctuary
8:00 pm Breaking the Fast Main Sanctuary

Yom Kippur 2021

Sep 15
Light Before
Sep 16
Yom Kippur Ends
Montreal 6:47 7:48
New York 6:47 7:48
Toronto 7:09 8:11

Kol Nidrei – 7:15

Succos 5782 / 2021

(First Days)

Candlelighting Club – TBA

Sep 20
Light Before
Sep 21
Light After
Sep 22
Succos Ends
Montreal 6:36 7:39 7:37
New York 6:38 7:40 7:38
Toronto 7:00 8:02 8:00

Tuesday Sep 28 is


If you would like for me to say Yizkor on your behalf, please email me the deceased full Hebrew name plus the father’s Hebrew name (if known).

Shmini Atzeres and Simchas Torah!

Succos 5782 / 2021

(Last Days)

Sep 27
Light Before
Sep 28
Light After
Sep 29
Succos Ends
Montreal 6:24 7:25 7:23
New York 6:26 7:28 7:26
Toronto 6:47 7:49 7:47

We will be lighting the Chanukah Menorah at 4:05 and then the Shabbos candles at 4:15.

Tisha B'Av 5782 / 2022

  1. Tisha B’Av commemorates the destruction of both the first and second Temples in Jerusalem.
  2. It is customary not to eat and drink from sunset before Tisha B’Av (8:34 in Toronto) until nightfall on Tisha B’Av (9:19 in Toronto). Please call me if you have any health concerns regarding fasting for this length of time.
  3. It is customary to (when physically able) sit on a lower than usual chair, from after Shabbos until Sunday at 1:23pm. After this time, you can sit regularly.
  4. One should also refrain from wearing leather shoes, marital relations, showering, working, and and any other act being done for pleasure.

Wednesday April 5 is

Erev Pesach

You can eat Chometz until : 10:30
Burning of the Chometz: 11:00 at my home

During burning of the Chometz (before noon), everyone should say the following, 3 times:
“Any Chometz or leaven that is in my possession, whether I have recognized it or not, whether I have seen it or not, whether I have removed it or not, should be annulled and become ownerless like the dust of the earth.”

Pesach 5783 / 2023

(First Days)

Apr 5
Apr 6
Apr 7
Apr 8
Shabbos Ends
Montreal 7:09 8:13 7:11 8:16
New York 7:07 8:11 7:08 8:13
Toronto 7:31 8:35 7:33 8:37

Monday April 22 is

Erev Pesach

You can eat Chometz until : 10:30
Burning of the Chometz: 10:00 at my home

During burning of the Chometz (before noon), everyone should say the following, 3 times:
“Any Chometz or leaven that is in my possession, whether I have recognized it or not, whether I have seen it or not, whether I have removed it or not, should be annulled and become ownerless like the dust of the earth.”

Pesach 5784 / 2024

(First Days)

Apr 22
(First Seder)
Apr 23
(Second Seder)
Apr 24
First Days ends
Montreal 7:31 8:36 8:38
New York 7:25 8:29 8:30
Toronto 7:51 8:56 8:57

Thursday April 13 is


If you would like Yizkor said on your behalf, please email rabbiheshi@chaicentre.ca
with the deceased full Hebrew name plus the father’s Hebrew name (if known).

The last days of PESACH!

Pesach 5783 / 2023

(Last Days)

Apr 11
Apr 12
Apr 13
Pesach Ends
Montreal 7:16 8:21 8:22
New York 7:13 8:17 8:18
Toronto 7:38 8:42 8:43

You may access the Chometz you sold for Pesach,
on Thursday night after 9:50pm.

Friday April 26, 2024

Chol Hamoed

Candlelighting Club – 5:30

To enter the Zoom class click here

Shabbos begins /
Shabbos ends /
Montreal 7:37 8:41
New York 7:29 8:33
Toronto 7:56 9:01

Tuesday April 30 is


If you would like Yizkor said on your behalf, please email rabbiheshi@chaicentre.ca
with the deceased full Hebrew name plus the father’s Hebrew name (if known).

The last days of PESACH!

Pesach 5784 / 2024

(Last Days)

Apr 28
Apr 29
Apr 30
Pesach Ends
Montreal 7:39 8:44 8:45
New York 7:31 8:36 8:37
Toronto 7:58 9:03 9:04

You may access the Chometz you sold for Pesach,
on Tuesday night after 10:00pm.

Pesach 2023 Class Schedule

  • Sunday April 2            – 10:15am – Pirkei Ovos – Live at the Village Shul
  • Sunday April 2            – 7:30pm – Pre-Pesach Drasha – on Zoom only
  • Monday April 3          – 7:30pm –  men’s meeting, live / women’s meeting – on Zoom only
  • Tuesday April 4          – No Class – searching for the Chometz (בדיקת חמץ)
  • Wednesday April 5  – 11am Burning of the Chometz at my home
  • Wednesday April 5  – No Class – First Seder Night
  • Thursday April 6        – 9:30pm – Second Seder at my home for those who have registered
  • Friday April 7                – No Class
  • Sunday April 9              – 8:30pm – Avi Silver Memorial Kumzits, at my home
  • Monday April 10         – men’s meeting, live / women’s meeting – on Zoom only
  • Tuesday April 11         – No Classs – Yom Tov
  • Wednesday April 12 – No Class – Yom Tov
  • Thursday April 13      – No Class – Yom Tov ends
  • Friday April 14             – All regularly scheduled classes resume

Yom Kippur 5784 / 2023

Sep 24
Light Before
Sep 25
Yom Kippur Ends
Montreal 6:29 7:32
New York 6:32 7:34
Toronto 6:54 7:55

Kol Nidrei – 7:00

Shabbos Oct 07 is


If you would like for me to say Yizkor on your behalf, please email me the deceased full Hebrew name plus the father’s Hebrew name (if known).

Shmini Atzeres and Simchas Torah!

Succos 5784 / 2023

(Last Days)

Oct 06
Light Before
Oct 07
Light After
Oct 08
Succos Ends
Montreal 6:07 7:09 7:07
New York 6:12 7:14 7:12
Toronto 6:32 7:34 7:32

High Holidays 2023 Class Schedule



Class Schedule through the Holidays

Sunday Sept 10Pirkei AvosNO Breakfast/ NO Class
Thursday Sept 14Path of the JustYes
Friday Sept 15Positive Word PowerNO Class
Shabbos Sept 16Rosh Hashana Day 1See Schedule /
Lunch with the Rabbi
Sundayy Sept 17Rosh Hashana Day 2See Schedule /
Blowing of the Shofar
Monday Sept 18Men/Women MeetingsYes
Tuesday Sept 19Ask The RabbiYes
Wednesday Sept 20A Spiritual AwakeningYes
Thursday Sept 21Address: “The Power of Yom Kippur”Yes
Friday Sept 22Positive Word PowerClass
Sunday Sept 24Pirkei AvosNO Breakfast/ NO Class
Monday Sept 25Yom KippurSee Yom Kippur schedule
Tuesday Sept 26Ask The RabbiYes
Wednesday Sept 27A Spiritual AwakeningYes
Thursday Sept 28Path of the JustYes
Friday Sept 29Positive Word PowerClass – Erev Succos
Shabbos Sept 30Succos Day 1No Lulav
Sunday Oct 1Succos Day 2Lulav
Monday Oct 2Special afternoon concert5pm Chabad Gate, Thornhill
Tuesday Oct 3Kumzitz at my home8pm to 10pm
Wednesday Oct 4Succah @ my home6pm to 7:30pm
Thursday Oct 5Path of the JustNO Class
Friday Oct 6Positive Word PowerUPDATED: NO Class
Shabbos Oct 7Shmini Atzeres 
Sunday Oct 8Simchas Torah! 
Monday Oct 2Back to regular schedule! 


Purim Katan

Friday February 23, 2024

Candlelighting Club – 4:15

To enter the Zoom class click here

Shabbos begins /
Shabbos ends /
Montreal 5:13 6:18
New York 5:21 6:26
Toronto 5:39 6:44