Jessica Klein OB”M
יכעט בת שלום שמואל ע”ה

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Here is our special tribute class that we had in memory of Jessica joined by members of her family.
A Tribute to our dear friend Jessica Klein of blessed memory: It is with immense sadness and a heavy heart that Jessica–in name only–be removed from our Chai Centre Whatsapp groups. Her beautiful neshama, presence, guidance, quick wit, keen sense of humour, intelligence, Yiddishkeit, family values, advice, wisdom, writings, sayings, inspiration, strength, and courage will remain with each of us forever in our hearts. She was the brainchild and founder of The Chai Centre’s Women’s “Recovery” group two years ago (July 2020), one that we are all still a part of where we continue to grow and benefit. She saw a pressing need for it amongst the Chai women and created a solution to fill that need. I feel most blessed and honoured to have shared the same space with Jessica during our phone calls, Zoom meetings, and in-person visit (Nov 4, 2021, L.A.). Jessica was the best storyteller I have ever known and heard, and I clung to her every word. I hope to have gleaned, even a little bit, from her many pearls of wisdom and “entertaining” anecdotes in the two (and too) short years I knew her. To Jessica, you will be dearly and deeply missed by all of us at the Chai Centre. Thank you, Jessica, for the gift of “you,” which will remain forever in our presence. Carol Molko P.S. We have since renamed the Chai Centre’s Women’s group, “The Jessica Klein OB”M – Chai Women Sisterhood” in perpetual honour and memory of our dear and dearly missed friend, Jessica. |
I first met Jessica Klein on Zoom. Unfortunately I never got to meet her in person. As I got to know her in our group meetings, I came to know a woman who had much to contribute. She always shared in a very direct, easy and approachable way. Not only did she have an infectious sense of humor, a bright neshemah, but a special manner in which she could take charge and reassure everyone their turn. She was extremely diplomatic with her words. A true Leader! It pleases me to have our “Chai Centre Sisterhood” named after her. It is most fitting, since with her guidance we came to be. Her contribution to us all is felt and missed collectively and individually. I hope to take away with me some of her attributes, and carry on in my life knowing I’m a better person for having known her. Her special messages were carried through her words and actions; generating an environment that people wanted to be part of. I know I felt comfortable with her, never having met her. Rest in peace, my Friend. I miss you, Love you, and will never forget you! To her family, may her memory be a Blessing to you all. Z”L “To live in the hearts of those we leave behind, is not to die.”
Arlyne W
The first time I met Jessica was the first time I experienced the High Holidays with The Chai Centre. That was her first time speaking to us too. And I, like I imagine every other person in that room in that moment, felt a unique, personal connection to Jessica; her warmth, her experience and journey to how and why she was standing and sharing herself with us. As someone who is in love with words, Jessica’s eloquence and storytelling resonated deeply Ana that remained part of my connection to her. Her ability to find the right words and tone to help a fellow Chai sister or brother out of the group as a whole when needed; whether subtle or in-your face, SHE made a difference for me. She taught me different kinds of lessons in courage, acceptance, serenity, loving boundaries and emunah; always with a profound love and faith in Hashem. Jessica, my memory of the brief time of your amazing and rich life I got to know you will forever be for a blessing and inspiration to me on every level. May your Neshama continue to shine with the most righteous in Shemayim. Love, Tracey XO |
Thank you
When a close friend unexpectedly leaves us, a piece of our heart is forever broken. From the very first time Jessica spoke at our Chai Holidays, in 2017 I was absolutely captivated by her ability to turn things around from a negative perspective to positive and find meaning in everything, whether we liked it or not…it was about acceptance and not blindly but with earnest meaning, so that we can learn something and carry forward, that we might be challenged with may not like or just the odd things that we do happen, what can you do, that’s life. When I heard she was returning I felt like a kid waiting for the ice cream truck to arrive. Her stories explored every emotion, sadness, hope humour, real life challenges, all from the heart lived experiences were so special , as she knew the right words, and could tell such stories….There was something so special in how she spoke and what she had to say. And boy she said whatever she wanted..And sometimes stuff I thought about but came out and said it. She was quick and witty among many attributes. What a tremendous loss. I discovered that she was living minutes away from me, with her daughter’s family and I visited one Shabbas afternoon. Her love of family and her desire to understand life’s challenges brough an incredibly strong individual who seemed to be able to look at life straight on and with fierce desire to understand and accept what there was and to learn and pass on to others. We had some chats that either brought tears or laughter. There was no BS with Jessica, she told it like it is and knew what she was talking about. She “got it”. We had mailed each other many times, and had an interest in the entertainment business which to some degree was very relatable to me as we shared stories, some of political, some on religion and some on just everyday trials and tribulations….. Jessica, you are and will be a forever star that will brighten the sky and sparkle wherever you may be. you left us with much thinking, feelings about how I felt, and maybe some courage to explore and reflect on many topics. There were times where you showed little patience, let’s get to the point, I recall, not to criticize but to recognize that she was so direct and made you think about what you were thinking. She was a gutsy woman, no holds back and said it like it is, and many times outspoken in the meetings, saying things that i caught myself saying, Oh I was thinking that and she had the courage to give her share, not afraid of what criticism she might get, but the importance of being honest. So the casual exchange at an airport that brought dear Rabbi and Jessica together to cross paths and to bring her to Toronto at our meetings. Yes, you have a piece of my heart and through what we lose, we also know that the world has gained from this shining star – Jessica (Z'”l) grateful from the heart. |
Thank you
I remember the first time I met Jessica on Zoom from my home in Fredericton, NB. I will always be grateful to her and will cherish her warmth, sharing of lovely messages. She made me feel comfortable as we related as being widows. I was fascinated how she could get her messages across to us so professionally, how I related to her message. I will always cherish her memory and grateful for the Chai Centre and Rabbi Heshi and fellowship. Thank you. May Jessica z’l memory be for a blessing to all of us. Thank you