I have attended the Chai Centre high holiday services for many years and have enjoyed them so much! I have found the services very meaningful and a wonderful experience for my spiritual growth. My parents did not want to participate in the Shul services growing up because they lived in fear due to the Holocaust! I have learned so much over the years of attending the Chai Centre Services! I look forward to them every year.
Thank you Rabbi Heshi for your very meaningful and educational services.
Judy W., Toronto
I have attended Chai Centre High Holiday services as both a speaker and a congregant and I found them to be very meaningful. Rabbi Heshi makes the Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur liturgy accessible even for people who can’t remember the last time they walked into a synagogue.
Combining traditional prayers with inspiring speakers and interactive learning, the services are warm and welcoming.
Wish I could join you this year!!! Shana tova umesuka!!! Wishing you a good and sweet year!!
Jessica K., Los Angeles
I have never felt connected to G-d in Shul until I attended services at The Chai Center. There, in a learning setting, with a classroom style format and talks by a variety of voices, the magnitude and true meaning of the words I could not understand, come alive on the page and into my heart and soul, B”H.
I’ve met many of my Chai Family first by attending the Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur services and where I feel I truly belong at this special time of year.
Tracey K., Toronto
I wanted to share my reflections and experience from the past two years at the Chai Centre that Rabbi Heshi K. has taken the time to put thought and planning into the Holidays, just as he has during the entire year for many of us forever students!
Having known Rabbi Heshi since 2006 and his interest in teaching, educating and sharing his mitzvah with depth and richness of Jewish history, seemed a natural progression to evolve into a place of learning and bringing people together. In my situation I have not been affiliated with any congregation and in my earlier years I would have joined family members at various shuls in the City.
My background is Middle Eastern Jewry (Mizrachi to be more defined Yeminite Jewry) but we are all Jews under the one umbrella, but customs may vary.
I found the combination of education and spiritual awareness from the experience at the Chai Centre in the last two years very special. In my earlier years, going to shul during the holidays honestly held little interest or attention for me as there was little explanations, just flipping from page to page and in some places a social gathering for some.
The idea of having discussions, speakers, interactions, all give the holidays much more meaning and a sense of community connecting with others, makes it very special.
Sandy A., Toronto
I came to Toronto from Winnipeg briefly in 1966, moved to Montreal (3 1/2 years), back to Winnipeg once again for 2 years, and finally settled back in Toronto in 1972, this time to stay!
The High Holidays were right after my Dad's birthday/anniversary, so I usually spend that time with him and family in my Shul back home. Since his passing in 2011, Rabbi Heshi, his family and members of The Chai Centre have become my "Family of Choice". There is no where else I'd rather spend my High Holidays. The learning and togetherness with all the members of The Chai Centre makes it very meaningful and enlightening. I very much enjoy the guest speakers Rabbi Heshi invites to speak to us at that special time of year. It's wonderful to be a "small part of" the sum of the parts that makes up The Chai Centre.Looking forward to another year of growing in Judaism and I hope to see you all again to welcome 5781!
Arlyne W., Toronto
I was not someone who went to Shul for the High Holidays until I discovered The Chai Centre. I’ve always felt out of place and intimidated at Shul and then I discovered the beautiful High Holiday services at The Chai Centre. I’ve gotten so much out of these services both educationally and spiritually. I’ve learned so much from the wonderful speakers and of course Rabbi Heshi. I was very moved when I got to hear the Shofar for the first time in my life a few years ago at The Chai Centre services. It’s a great feeling of community.
I look forward to it every year and wouldn’t miss it! I’m grateful to Rabbi Heshi for providing us such an amazing way to learn and grow and most importantly get closer to Hashem.”
Malka B, Toronto
I never thought I would be writing this about any High Holiday service as my previous experiences were spent outside with friends (or in the ladies room) to escape the boredom.
I feel extremely blessed to have met Rabbi Heshi as he has this special gift of making everyone feel connected with a strong sense of belonging...which makes me feel I am in the right place and for that alone, I Thank You Rabbi Heshi.
From the prayers to the interactive learning, Rabbi Heshi makes everything personal and meaningful. He makes it an experience to remember, and each year gets better and better.
I have met so many wonderful and interesting people through The Chai Centre where I feel part of a community that is learning and growing together.
Lori C., Toronto